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Heroin Smuggling: A Growing Threat to Thailand’s Security

The smuggling of heroin into Thailand has become a growing threat to the country’s security in recent years. With its geographical location and porous borders, Thailand has become a major transit hub for drug traffickers looking to move their illicit goods in and out of Southeast Asia.

The Thai authorities have been ramping up their efforts to crack down on the drug trade, but the problem persists. In 2019 alone, the Royal Thai Police seized over 179 kilograms of heroin, worth an estimated 3 billion baht (approximately $98 million), in various operations across the country.

One of the main challenges in combating heroin smuggling in Thailand is the sheer volume of drugs being trafficked. Drug cartels from neighboring countries like Myanmar and Laos are known to use various methods to transport heroin across the border, including hiding the drugs in vehicles, smuggling them through border checkpoints, and using human couriers to carry the drugs on foot.

Another challenge is the corruption and collusion of some Thai officials with drug traffickers. There have been numerous cases where law enforcement officers have been caught aiding drug syndicates by turning a blind eye to their activities or actively facilitating their operations.

The influx of heroin into Thailand has had devastating consequences for the country, fueling drug addiction, organized crime, and violence. The drug trade also poses a threat to public health, as heroin abuse has been linked to the spread of infectious diseases such as HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis C.

To address the growing threat of heroin smuggling, the Thai government has implemented various measures, including increasing border security, conducting raids on known drug trafficking routes, and enhancing cooperation with neighboring countries to combat the transnational drug trade.

However, more needs to be done to effectively tackle the root causes of heroin smuggling in Thailand. This includes addressing the underlying socioeconomic factors that drive individuals to engage in drug trafficking, strengthening law enforcement and border control measures, and increasing international cooperation to disrupt the operations of drug syndicates.

Ultimately, the fight against heroin smuggling in Thailand requires a comprehensive and coordinated approach involving law enforcement, government agencies, civil society organizations, and the international community. Only by working together can we hope to stem the flow of heroin into the country and safeguard Thailand’s security and prosperity.


Not many people go from being raised as an orthodox Jew to becoming an international drug smuggler. Hank Cooper, a Canadian who grew up in Toronto, traveled that path. After becoming an adult (chronologically, at least), in the nineteen seventies and eighties, Hank lived anything but what his parents would have called a normal life during his twenties and early thirties. Maybe it had something to do with his orthodox Jewish upbringing, but then again it probably was a combination of a million other things, especially luck, which he discusses in his memoir, Visit Smuggling with Jesus!.

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